• Tips For Buying Your New HVAC Unit From An HVAC Dealer

    If you're ready to buy a new HVAC unit, you will obviously need to find an HVAC dealer to buy from. If you're looking for advice about buying a new HVAC unit from an HVAC dealer, these are a few tips that you might find to be pretty useful. Make Sure They're an Authorized Dealer First and foremost, you should avoid buying a used HVAC unit, and you should also avoid buying a unit from an unauthorized dealer.
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  • 4 Common Furnace Problems That Will Require Repair

    One appliance in your home that will eventually break down is the furnace. However, the issue requiring your attention can be one of many potential things. That's why it helps to know more about those common problems that require repair. Dirty Air Filter If you only do one thing to maintain your furnace, it should be to replace the air filter regularly. That small filter plays a big role in keeping the air clean and flowing, and a clogged filter can cause the whole unit to stop working.
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  • 3 Reasons Your Furnace Inducer Blower Is Making Noise

    Did you know that your furnace uses two separate blowers? The main house blower pushes air warm through your ductwork and into your home, while the inducer motor serves a very different purpose. This secondary blower creates negative pressure that pulls combustion gases away from the burners and through the exhaust flue. Like your main blower, the inducer motor can eventually fail. A noisy inducer blower is usually relatively easy to spot.
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  • Which Type Of Heating Is Right For You?

    Your home needs to be a haven during cold winter nights. There are many ways to heat your home, so finding the right one for you can seem overwhelming. If you would like to know more about heating solutions to better determine which is right for you, keep reading. Forced-Air Heating Furnaces and heat pumps use forced-air heating. The system blows heated air through a system of ducts throughout the home and expels the air via multiple vents.
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  • About Heating Maintenance For Your Home's Heater

    You should be having a technician come out each year to provide maintenance for your heating system. This should be done before you start using the heater. Therefore, a good time to have the HVAC technician come out is during the later part of fall, before you're going to be needing to use it for those winter temperatures that are approaching. Here are some reasons why heating maintenance is so important:   
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  • 5 Benefits Of Geothermal HVAC Systems That You Need To Know About

    If you're like many homeowners who are planning on replacing their HVAC system at some point during 2023, you probably already know that there have been significant advances in heating and cooling technology since you last replaced your unit. You may not have heard about one of the more recent advances, however — geothermal HVAC systems. Here's what you need to know: Geothermal heating and cooling systems are a type of HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system that uses the stable temperature of the ground to provide heating and cooling for a building.
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