
  • How To Reduce Your Air Conditioning Bills

    During the summer, high outdoor temperatures can place a huge strain on your home's central air conditioning system. An air conditioner that is working overtime is at high risk for experiencing mechanical problems and will also make you suffer from high energy bills. Fortunately, there are a few different ways that you can reduce your air conditioner's energy usage to save you money on your monthly energy bills. Use Fans For Ventilation
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  • All in the Family: 3 Steps to Designing an In-Law Suite in Your Home

    If you're trying to care for an aging parent while having to run your own life at the same, you know how hard it can be to find solutions that work for everyone. One housing answer that more and more families are taking advantage of is combining households by bringing parents into the younger family's home. A so-called "mother-in-law suite" can be the perfect way to do this while still maintaining privacy for everyone.
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  • 3 DIY AC Repair Tips

    Having an air conditioning unit that is functioning properly is critical when it comes to maintaining a comfortable temperature inside your home during the warm summer months. If you find that your home's interior is warmer than usual, your AC unit may be malfunctioning. Here are three simple things that you can do yourself to help remedy the problem before contacting an HVAC specialist for assistance. 1. Check to ensure your AC unit has power.
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  • Help Your HVAC Technicians - Three Steps For Easy System Maintenance

    If you don't know the first thing about HVAC systems and how to keep them in good condition, read on to discover some of the options for easy maintenance that can help your furnace or other system last longer. You don't have to go to school for heating and cooling systems to understand some of the finer points of HVAC system maintenance. In a lot of cases it's as easy as doing recommended maintenance over time and making sure that systems are set up the way that they're supposed to be.
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  • Pros And Cons Of Radiant Ceiling Panels For Heating Your Home Or Office

    Radiant ceiling panels provide a type of heat that feels natural like sunlight. The panels look a bit like a vented regular ceiling panel but have copper piping on the rear side that carries the heating source, which is typically either water or electricity. Radiant heating panels have positives and negatives that can determine whether they are the right heating choice for your office or home. You should always discuss your options in further detail with an HVAC contractor in your area, such as Action Appliance Services.
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  • Signs Your Air Conditioner May Be Getting Ready To Fail

    With summer in full swing, now is the time to get outside and enjoy the warm weather. Along with hot, muggy conditions and high temps, finding reprieve from the heat means indulging in your cool, air conditioned home. If you're noticing that things aren't quite working as well as they should with lower indoor temperatures, it's time to call a HVAC pro. Here are some subtle signs you shouldn't ignore when it comes to your home's cooling system.
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  • 4 Reasons You Should Have Your Ducts Cleaned

    If you can't remember the last time you had your ducts cleaned, you should probably schedule that service as soon as possible. To keep your furnace working properly, you should have your ducts cleaned about once a year. This is particularly important if you live in an area that experiences high winds, Here are four beneficial reasons to have your vents cleaned. Improved Air Quality If you live in an area with high pollution rates, the air you're breathing inside your home could be polluted too.
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  • Popular Fuel Types That You Can Use To Heat Your Home

    If you are having problems with your current heating system, then you might be thinking about getting a replacement. However, before you go out and simply replace your current heater, you might want to consider switching to an entirely different type of fuel. There are many different types of fuel that are used in residential heating, with each offering a different set of benefits. To help you decide if one of those options stands out to you as the clearly best choice, here are some brief overviews of each type:
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  • 3 Signs That Your AC Unit Needs Servicing

    Air conditioning units are now the norm in most homes. Even in older homes there are air conditioning units installed. This is why it is important that people understand the signs that their AC unit is no longer working properly. Here are some things that you should be looking for. 1. Poor Air Quality One of the things you will notice if your AC unit is struggling is a poor air quality in the home.
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  • Saving Money And Staying Cool: 3 Tips For Preparing Your Home For Summer

    Summer isn't too far off. While you are looking forward to the warmer weather, you are probably not too keen on what it is going to do to your checking account. Luckily, there are a few things that you can do about that. 1. Lower Your Air Conditioning Bill With ENERGY STAR saying that cooling accounts for roughly 13 percent of your annual energy bill, you definitely want to do something to save on cooling costs.
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