
  • Three Signs it's Time to Replace Your Air Conditioning System

    The thought of doing a complete overhaul of your entire HVAC system is enough to send shivers down most homeowners' spines. In reality, the process isn't nearly as complicated, intrusive, or even as expensive as you might think, with most AC system installations costing between $3,000-7,000. While that may sound like a lot, the thought of it going out in the middle of a summer during 100-degree days while you have to wait a few weeks for it to be repaired might be even worse.
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  • How You Can Improve Your Life By Working With An Air Conditioning Repair Service

    You might not really think that working with an air conditioning repair service is going to have a major impact on your life. However, working with one of these companies can actually improve your life in a few ways, including the ways listed below. Stay Comfortable on Hot Days If you have ever had to suffer through a hot summer without air conditioning, you probably know just how much of a negative impact it can have on your life.
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  • 4 Things To Remember When Sizing Your Cool Room

    Are you looking to buy a new cool room? Do you need to replace your current unit? Size is undoubtedly one of the primary considerations to keep in mind when buying a cool room and any other type of cold storage and refrigeration. Before you buy and have your new cold room unit installed, here is a look at a few things that you should know about cool room sizing.
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  • AC Repairs For Problems With Condensing Units And Compressors

    Hot summer weather means that there are going to be problems with your AC that you have to deal with. Many of these problems start with the condensation unit and compressor. The problems usually start with a dirty unit and freezing. Other problems can be due to things like summer storms that damage the AC unit. The following information will help you identify problems with the condensing unit and AC compressor:      
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  • Top Signs That It's Time for a New AC Unit

    A high-functioning air conditioning system is absolutely critical if you want to enjoy a comfortable residential environment. Think of how excruciating it would be to have to exist in the same sweltering heat that you face each day when you step outside of your front door. It's a very unpleasant thought and one that you certainly wouldn't want to deal with in reality. That's why it is so important for you to pay attention to your AC unit so you'll know when it is on its last legs.
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  • 3 Things To Know About Installing A Mini-Split Set-Up In Your Home

    A mini-split air conditioning and heating system can be very beneficial to your home. They tend to save you money, as you can have independent control of the temperature in each room of your house that a unit is installed in. When it comes to installing a mini-split air conditioning unit, there are a few things you need to make sure you do to get the installation right. Determine the Right Size Equipment
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  • Common Heating-Related Mistakes People Make

    Running your home's furnace might seem simple and easy, but there are a number of common and basic mistakes that people make when heating their home. Avoid these common heating-related mistakes, and you'll both keep your heating bills lower and help your furnace last much longer. Closing the Vents in Unoccupied Rooms Many people close the heating vents in unused rooms so that warm air, which the furnace must work to heat up, isn't sent into these unoccupied rooms.
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  • Heating System Maintenance: Simple Steps For Saving Money And Increasing Home Comfort

    Providing regular maintenance can prolong the life of a vehicle and help it to operate more efficiently, and the same thinking applies to home heating systems. Those who are new to home ownership or those who just want to enjoy more reliable, economical heat from their home's heating system can use this information to help them achieve their goal.  Start with the thermostat The thermostat could be considered the brain of your home's HVAC system because it determines when the system should operate, how long it should run during each cycle, and when it should shut down.
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  • 4 Late Winter Heating Repair Tips To Get Ready To Shut Down Your HVAC And Prepare For Summer

    In the late winter months, you will be winding down your usage of the heating in your home. This is a good time for the last bit of maintenance and any repairs that need to be done before the summer cooling is needed. The following tips will help with the heating repairs that should be done before you turn your system off to get ready for spring:  Inspecting the Ductwork for Damage and Repairing It Before You Turn Off Heating
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  • 3 Mistakes You May Be Making With Your Furnace That Could Be Costing You In Repairs

    Your furnace is a major appliance in your home that needs proper care and maintenance. If you aren't using this appliance properly or aren't maintaining it enough, you're going to end up with costly repairs and issues long before your appliance's lifetime is up. You may be doing things to your furnace that is causing it problems and you aren't even aware you are doing them. Read on for a few mistakes you may be making with your furnace that could be costing you.
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